Back to Work...
(This picture was found in a crumbling frame, in the bowels of a prominent financial institution (MLPF&S) many, many years ago... It had hung in the Teamlink office until recently when the frame literally disintegrated. It has always held a kind of harsh, if not stark reality.. When things get tough, survivors do not quit, they adapt, they find a way forward they succeed... maybe not the same way they started out, but they press new and creative ways... ship on the rocks or not.)
By now, most of us are really, really ready to get back to work... away from our home and all the distractions that go along with it.
When we return to our offices and work sites, we will be working with our teammates who will have a whole new set of social standards and norms, along with anxiety, anger, fear, resentment.. a whole myriad of emotions that were not present in early March.
Don't expect "normal" to emerge right away.. if ever.
Rather it's better to figure where your team has been, where it is now, and establish a "new normal" based on that... and move forward.
Don't expect miracles. Don't expect a tension-free environment.. in fact, what you should expect is just the opposite.
Team members who were challenging the productivity of the group, will still be there... only, now, armed with more reasons to be disruptive to team goals. Team members who were super productive, may now be hamstrung by anxieties and fear of loss or failure beyond their control. Additionally the increasingly divisive national atmosphere of an election year serves as an impediment to any team...
With all the fears and attitudes seeming to occupy an outsize portion of our lives, It's more important than ever to build and maintain a strong, bombproof team, based on your new normal. By focusing on the task at hand, by recognizing and respecting each members point of reference, and by acknowledging, but not surrendering to, the external challenges that each member and each team faces, we can all go on to build a stronger, more successful and more durable team than ever.
Teamlink is ready to help however we can. We have activities we can bring on-site to you, or we can join you, or you can join us at an off site location*.
Our programs are not in your face. Our programs are not physically challenging or intimidating. They are not insulting....
What they are is a group of curated activities, designed to bring the best out of adults in corporate teams.. learning... in an atmosphere of fun.
Don't be satisfied in just taking a lifeboat to safety... Go build a new ship!
* Graves Mountain Lodge is our "home" training center
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