
You can feel it if you take the opportunity.
The Earth basking in the warmth of the longer days, the soil saturated with a seasons worth of moisture... Life is literally bursting forth, filling the brown and gray landscapes of winter with greens, blues, yellows and purples of a new season.

"Situational Awareness"  (SA) is one of our favorite terms.. it permeates all existence. It's the same as "mindfulness" just a little edgier.. more appropriate for hanging out on a mountainside, being out on a river, or managing a project on which jobs and profits are relying on the outcome.
It is a powerful state, awareness of being, which can bring comfort to someone who may be overwhelmed with all the baggage of life or work.
It serves as Occam's razor... When you are aware of your situation, mindful of your being, you are accounting for all of those factors that directly and indirectly affect you and your performance... and little else is of consequence.

To put this a bit more into perspective, here is an example from a survival class that is taught by Shenandoah Mountain Guides... about what will cause an untimely end to your life.....

In an outdoor crisis situation.. you develop your SA in stages.

Are you breathing? 
If the answer is NO, you have about 4 minutes to live...nothing really else matters, you must find O2.. or die.

If the answer is yes, then life is good, for right now.  

BUT..  do you have a supply of water?
If the answer is NO, you have about 3 days to live, your priority must be finding water...(and shelter from the environment)
... but if the answer is YES, then you are good ... you have time to develop a plan to deal with what will try to kill you next..(environment, starvation, predators)... and to live and thrive.

.. and life for that moment, is good.

Working in a team environment can be similar.. surely, when challenges arrive, if you and your team do not have adequate SA,  and have not prepared for the challenge, you definitely face an existential threat..

Good communication skills and trust are the oxygen and water on which all team existence and function is based.. If you don't have them, your life as a team will be significantly reduced, and your functionality neutralized.

That is where Teamlink comes in....

"Thanks for another great team event! The improvements I see in communication, teamwork, and leadership with the staff after these events is amazing  and I don't think you realize what a positive impact you are having on my business. You all did  a great job for us again, and we are already really looking forward to next year's event." N.

Thanks N.! with over 40 years of experience* in executive leadership development, we totally understand the impact of what we do..


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